Botox has a variety of functions outside of the cosmetic industry. From the treatment of chronic migraines to excessive sweating known as hyperhidrosis, Botox is responsible for some incredible results that change the way we perceive ourselves, and give us confidence that goes beyond the spectrum of what we see on our faces. It truly is a miracle worker when it comes to aesthetic and medical treatments alike.

At Barbs by Kelly, it is our mission to utilize artistry and medical science to work with our clients to find the balance of beauty, completely customized to an individual’s goals and aesthetic aspirations. We believe in the unadorned elegance of beauty – in you, precisely as you are. Botox is a VIP in our books. We use it every single day when customizing treatment to best match the needs of our clients.

But why do so many people come to enjoy the cosmetic benefits of Botox? Most of us have been there. As we age, we start to notice the lines created by our facial expressions aren’t disappearing like they used to. And that’s life! We are dynamic individuals who are blessed to be able to laugh, cry, smile, and frown. These repeated facial movements cause our skin to sustain micro-injuries, and over time, our bodies lose the ability to repair these injuries as we once did. Botox helps to relax the muscles that are responsible for these micro-injuries, allowing our body’s skin to have time to catch up in the repairing process at its own rate. Think of it as an injectable vacation for your skin!

The aging process is nothing short of beautiful. It is supremely unique for everyone based on their experiences, genetics, and activities. Instead of bringing every client towards one singular idea of beauty, we explore the range of the concept, emphasizing educational practices, self-care, and fostering an appreciation for the individual beauty we are all born with and carry through life. No two treatments are identical, as no two patients are the same!

Although our work has made us Savannah’s Premier Medical Aesthetics Provider, we are constantly striving to learn more, enhance the client experience, and better ourselves and our practices. That is why we are constantly seeking out educational opportunities, through in-house training with product representatives, external conferences, and staff development. Although we aren’t quite at our 22nd anniversary like the beloved Botox, we have spent years providing expert medical aesthetic care to our clients, and continue to go above and beyond.

Join us this month and celebrate Botox’s anniversary and stay tuned for more developments from Barbs by Kelly… We continue to grow and expand, offering new treatments, and refining the old, but always delivering the quality care that you have grown to love. We have some new and exciting things that we can’t wait to show you!

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